proland::ElevationCurveData Class Reference

A CurveData that contains the elevation profile of a curve. More...

#include <ElevationCurveData.h>

Inheritance diagram for proland::ElevationCurveData:
proland::CurveData proland::RoadElevationLayer::RoadElevationCurveData proland::WaterElevationLayer::WaterElevationCurveData

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ElevationCurveData (CurveId id, CurvePtr flattenCurve, ptr< TileProducer > elevations, bool monotonic)
 Creates a new ElevationCurveData.
virtual ~ElevationCurveData ()
 Deletes this ElevationCurveData.
virtual float getStartHeight ()
 Returns the height of the starting point of the curve.
virtual float getEndHeight ()
 Returns the height of the ending point of the curve.
virtual float getAltitude (float s)
 Returns the height corresponding to the given s coordinate.
virtual float getSampleLength (CurvePtr c)
 Returns the distance to be used between samples for the elevation profile of the given curve.
virtual int getSmoothFactor (CurvePtr c)
 Returns the smoothing factor to get the smoothed elevation profile for the given curve.
virtual void getUsedTiles (set< TileCache::Tile::Id > &tiles, float rootSampleLength)
 Returns the list of tiles intersected by the curve with which this ElevationCurveData is associated.

Protected Member Functions

float getSample (const vec2d &p)
 Computes a raw elevation sample of the curve.
float getSample (int i)
 Computes a raw elevation sample of the curve.
float getMonotonicSample (int i)
 Computes a monotonic elevation sample of the curve.
float getSymetricSample (int i)
 Computes a symetric elevation sample of the curve.
float getSmoothedSample (int i)
 Computes a smoothed elevation sample of the curve.

Protected Attributes

ptr< TileProducer > elevations
 The producer used to compute raw terrain elevations, themselves used to compute the elevation profile.
bool monotonic
 true for an only increasing or only decreasing profile, false for a profile with both increasing and decreasing sections.
float sampleLength
 The distance to be used between samples for this elevation profile.
int sampleCount
 Number of samples in this elevation profile.
float * samples
 The raw elevation samples of this elevation profile (before making them monotonic and smoothing them).
float * monotonicSamples
 The elevation samples after they have been made monotonic.
int smoothFactor
 The smoothing factor to get the smoothed elevation profile.
float * smoothedSamples
 The elevation samples after they have been made monotonic and smoothed.

Detailed Description

A CurveData that contains the elevation profile of a curve.

It can produce monotonic (i.e. only increasing or only decreasing) profiles, or unconstrained profiles (both increasing and decreasing). Monotonic profiles are useful for rivers, which can never flow uphill. An elevation profile is created by taking terrain height samples regularly spaced along the curve, by making them monotonic if desired, and by smoothing the resulting samples. For large curve widths the distance between samples is larger, the quadtree level used to get their altitude is lower, and the smoothing is more aggressive, than for narrower curves. This gives smoother elevation profiles for wider curves (a highway has less "bumps" than a small road).

Antoine Begault, Eric Bruneton, Guillaume Piolat

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

proland::ElevationCurveData::ElevationCurveData ( CurveId  id,
CurvePtr  flattenCurve,
ptr< TileProducer >  elevations,
bool  monotonic 

Creates a new ElevationCurveData.

id the id of the curve for which we need to store the data.
flattenCurve the flattened version of the curve for which we need to store the data.
elevations the producer used to compute raw terrain elevations, themselves used to compute the elevation profile.
monotonic true for only increasing or only decreasing profiles, false for profiles with both increasing and decreasing sections.
virtual proland::ElevationCurveData::~ElevationCurveData (  )  [virtual]

Deletes this ElevationCurveData.

Member Function Documentation

virtual float proland::ElevationCurveData::getAltitude ( float  s  )  [virtual]

Returns the height corresponding to the given s coordinate.

s a pseudo curvilinear coordinate (see Curve::Vertex::s).

Reimplemented in proland::RoadElevationLayer::RoadElevationCurveData, and proland::WaterElevationLayer::WaterElevationCurveData.

virtual float proland::ElevationCurveData::getEndHeight (  )  [virtual]

Returns the height of the ending point of the curve.

Reimplemented in proland::RoadElevationLayer::RoadElevationCurveData.

float proland::ElevationCurveData::getMonotonicSample ( int  i  )  [protected]

Computes a monotonic elevation sample of the curve.

i index of the sample to compute.
float proland::ElevationCurveData::getSample ( int  i  )  [protected]

Computes a raw elevation sample of the curve.

i index of the point to compute.
float proland::ElevationCurveData::getSample ( const vec2d &  p  )  [protected]

Computes a raw elevation sample of the curve.

p the coordinates of the sample to compute.
virtual float proland::ElevationCurveData::getSampleLength ( CurvePtr  c  )  [virtual]

Returns the distance to be used between samples for the elevation profile of the given curve.

This distance depends on the curve's width (so that wider curves have a smoother profile).

c a curve.

Reimplemented in proland::WaterElevationLayer::WaterElevationCurveData.

float proland::ElevationCurveData::getSmoothedSample ( int  i  )  [protected]

Computes a smoothed elevation sample of the curve.

i index of the sample to compute.
virtual int proland::ElevationCurveData::getSmoothFactor ( CurvePtr  c  )  [virtual]

Returns the smoothing factor to get the smoothed elevation profile for the given curve.

This factor depends on the curve's width (so that wider curves have a smoother profile). A smoothing factor of n indicates that (2n+1) consecutive samples must be averaged together to get a smooth sample.

c a curve.
virtual float proland::ElevationCurveData::getStartHeight (  )  [virtual]

Returns the height of the starting point of the curve.

Reimplemented in proland::RoadElevationLayer::RoadElevationCurveData.

float proland::ElevationCurveData::getSymetricSample ( int  i  )  [protected]

Computes a symetric elevation sample of the curve.

This function computes additional samples before 0 or after sampleCount - 1, by symmetry around the two endpoint samples. These extra samples are needed to computed smoothed endpoint samples (since smoothFactor samples are needed on both sides of a monotonic sample to get a smoothed sample).

i index of the sample to compute.
virtual void proland::ElevationCurveData::getUsedTiles ( set< TileCache::Tile::Id > &  tiles,
float  rootSampleLength 
) [virtual]

Returns the list of tiles intersected by the curve with which this ElevationCurveData is associated.

[out] tiles the list of usedTiles.
rootSampleLength Curve sample length at level 0.

Reimplemented from proland::CurveData.

Reimplemented in proland::RoadElevationLayer::RoadElevationCurveData.

Member Data Documentation

ptr<TileProducer> proland::ElevationCurveData::elevations [protected]

The producer used to compute raw terrain elevations, themselves used to compute the elevation profile.

true for an only increasing or only decreasing profile, false for a profile with both increasing and decreasing sections.

The elevation samples after they have been made monotonic.

Number of samples in this elevation profile.

The distance to be used between samples for this elevation profile.

The raw elevation samples of this elevation profile (before making them monotonic and smoothing them).

The elevation samples after they have been made monotonic and smoothed.

The smoothing factor to get the smoothed elevation profile.

A smoothing factor of n indicates that (2n+1) consecutive monotonic samples must be averaged together to get a smooth sample.

Generated on Sat May 12 09:42:46 2012 for proland by  doxygen 1.6.1